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Digital Service Delivery Insights

Insights > Digital Service Delivery

Automated Testing, Best Practices

Automated Testing for Product Development

“I’m a project manager. Why do I need to know about automated acceptance testing? Isn’t...

Agile, Culture, Scrum

Why Your Scrum Team Is Failing and What You Can Do To Fix It

Do you ever get the sneaking suspicion that Scrum doesn’t really seem to work for...

Agile, Continuous Integration

How We Did It: Building myUSCIS

Here at Excella we are fortunate to have the opportunity to do great work with...

Continuous Integration, Developer Tools, DevOps

8 Ways to Keep Your Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Pipeline Working for You

What is a CI/CD Pipeline? A continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is such an...

Agile Coaching, Agile Value Tracking, Lean, Lean Discovery

4 Signs You Need Lean Discovery

In a previous post, we defined Lean Discovery as a set of tools and processes...


Is Empathy the Key Ingredient to DevOps?

It’s no secret that DevOps requires collaboration and communication in order to be successful. Underlying...

Lean, Lean Discovery

What is Lean Discovery?

Have you ever found yourself wondering if the product or feature you’re working on really...

Project Management

Pulling in the Same Direction: Why Development Projects Need BAs

We’ve all been there….  we’ve worked on teams where software developers and project managers work...

Culture, DevOps, Project Management

How to Create a DevOps Culture on Your Delivery Team

The benefits of adopting DevOps are numerous: shorter release cycles, swifter issue resolution, and faster...

Culture, DevOps, Project Management

GoodGovUX: Why Government Employees Should Care about UX

User experience (UX) is not just a passing trend. Good UX is essential for good...

Best Practices, DevOps, Software Development

Defining DevOps on Federal Tech Talk

Chances are if you have been keeping up with the latest tech trends, you have...

Developer Tools, DevOps

Helping IT and Audit Work Better Together: The DevOps Audit Defense Toolkit

Many organizations want to adopt DevOps practices to get the benefits associated with it: faster...