Tag: Agile Coaching
In my previous post, I discussed ways in which anyone can become a leader by...
Agile Transformation efforts are characterized by change: new practices, new processes, new technologies, and often...
Dear Agile: How Do I Improve My Empathy?
This post is the latest in Excella’s Dear Agile blog series. Have a question for...
Stockholm syndrome: when the intimacy—albeit abusive and intimidating—of a prolonged captivity causes hostages to develop...
Simulating Scrum by Building a LEGO City
At the January Games for Agility, Learning, and Engagement (GALE) Meetup, we ran a version...
One of the things I enjoy most about conferences is the opportunity to meet new...
The Dimensions of Coaching Responsibility
Being a coach is unlike the other roles I’ve had in my career. As a...
Meet the Experts: Tony Solomita
In the first installment of “Meet the Experts,” Excella’s Agile Practice Lead Tony Solomita talks...
What Makes Agile Coaching Both Difficult & Important
Recently I participated in an internal coaching circle with several colleagues that focused on assessing...
4 Signs You Need Lean Discovery
In a previous post, we defined Lean Discovery as a set of tools and processes...
We work with Agile teams and practitioners of all levels – from the early adopter...