Tag: Scrum
UX for an Agile World (Part IV)
Here’s the big pay-off. We learned in Parts 1, 2, and 3, why UX and...
Burndown Chart vs. Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)
Virtually everyone who has ever been part of a team using Scrum or practicing Agile...
Empirical Process Control (Part II)
In my prior post, I provided a backdrop to the importance of empirical process control...
UX for an Agile World (Part III)
More and more, the development world is embracing Agile practices. As we learned in Part...
8 True Commitments Agile Teams Owe Management and Stakeholders
Management commits real money to support a development team and expects real commitments from the...
UX for an Agile World (Part II)
More and more, the development world is embracing Agile practices. Yet, as we learned in...
Effective Use of Constraints: Scrum vs. Kanban
In the first post in this series, I introduced the concept of Complex Adaptive Systems...
The Agile Mindset: Being Before Doing
Is your organization Agile? When we ask this question to organizations we often hear that,...
Can a Business Analyst be a ScrumMaster?
When teams are new to Agile, they identify who can fill the ScrumMaster role. Often,...
Ha, Not Ready to Ri: The Shu Ha Ri Approach to Agile Development
Have you been on a team or in an organization that adopts a new methodology...
Make Your User Stories Manageable Through Story Decomposition
We’ve all been there: sprint backlogs filled with large unwieldy epics, or maybe your team...
What is Agile Program Management?
Agile + Program Management = Agile Program Management. Easy, right? Not so much. Agile Program...