Excella to Create Data Solutions for Federal Agencies
ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Excella Consulting, an Arlington-based provider of Agile software development and digital solutions will partner with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to provide data innovation support to the government. Under a joint venture partnership agreement with NTIS, Excella will work with NTIS and other agencies to implement innovative ways to collect, access, analyze and deliver Federal data and data services.
The NTIS joint venture program will leverage advanced data analytics and software development techniques to streamline the delivery of data services across the government. Joint venture partners will help agencies drive innovation and business outcomes by making necessary improvements in data access, interoperability and search. Excella’s data experts will work with the government to ensure use of federal data generates more accurate, repeatable, and actionable insights in less time to provide the public with better access to agencies’ mission-critical information.