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Economics of Agile

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Many organizations turn to Agile to increase performance, but the improvements go way beyond mindset shifts. While increased employee satisfaction and higher-quality delivery are major benefits of Agile, there are proportionate, measurable economic outcomes of Agile efforts compared to traditional project approaches. Introducing: The Economics of Agile.

The 14th Annual State of Agile Report lists many outcomes that are better with Agile, like more rapid value delivery, accelerated learning, and less wasted effort. These outcomes lead to economic benefits for the organization as a whole that make Agile not only a great project management approach, but a valuable economic business decision. From reduced overall costs to faster time to market, the efficiency of an organization improves overall when Agile is implemented.

If the benefits of Agile seem apparent, why isn’t your organization reaping them? Your accounting team may not have considered key development costs generated by the time invested in any particular product or project. Agile approaches help teams recognize and optimize to avoid things like opportunity lost due to delayed, or extended, delivery times. Faster time to market takes on a whole new meaning when you realize how much money is lost when projects take longer than they have to. Businesses that take into account the economic effects of how and when a project is delivered are capable of making more effective decisions that propel them towards growth.

The implementation of Agile may be seen as something that affects only your development team and their outcomes, when really the effects are far-reaching, especially to an organization’s bottom line. See the many different corners of your business that Agile methods directly, and indirectly, affect.

View our Economics of Agile fact sheet and learn:

  • How Agile efforts compare to traditional approaches
  • The economic benefits of Agile many aren’t aware of
  • The true cost of development delay
  • How embedded knowledge on Agile teams affects your bottom line
  • How to optimize your economic outcomes with Agile

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