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Our people are passionate about their work, and they have a lot to say about it! Check out our insights and resources for our thoughts on technology, data, Agile, and program management.

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Tech Tips | .NET, Developer Tools, DevOps

Are There Any Free Code Coverage Tools For .NET?

So you’re thinking about measuring the coverage of your developers’ unit tests using a code...

Professional Development | Agile, Change Management, Training

How Do I Become A Change Management Specialist?

Recently, someone asked me what it takes to become a change management specialist.  Since this...

Tech Tips | .NET, Developer Tools, Software Development

How Do I Set Up A .NET Development Environment On A MacBook Pro?

 Setting Up a .NET Development Environment on a MacBook Pro and the Development Experience There...

Agile Transformation | Change Management

What Are The Biggest Mistakes To Avoid When Implementing Change Management?

So you’re going to create and execute a change management strategy for your next project. ...

Digital Service Delivery | .NET, Developer Tools, Tools

How Do I Find Out What Process Has A File Or Folder Locked?

I hate getting ‘Access Denied’ to a particular file or folder without explanation! As a...

Agile Training | Agile, Certifications, Scrum

What Is A Certified Scrum Trainer (CST)?

An Interview with Certified Scrum Trainer, Richard Cheng We love helping other teams understand how to choose the...

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