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3 Ways to Optimize Your Newly Virtual Team

Your team is suddenly remote, but you should be virtual! What’s the difference between remote and virtual? To be truly virtual means that remote team members are working as effectively as they would if they were collocated, using modern technology to stay connected, collaborate, and deliver value.

Switching from collocation to virtual may result in new obstacles that require the team’s attention, like virtually coordinating workflow, visualizing the flow of deliverables, virtual team collaboration, unexpected work conditions and disturbances, and loss of team cohesion. When the nature of change is both swift and broad in scope, you need to find ways to shift your standard behaviors to address these changes, rediscovering your team’s sense of alignment and belonging.

Read this eBook and learn how to overcome the top remote challenges, like:

  • Inefficient or manual team processes
  • Difficulty communicating or collaborating
  • Lack of visibility into team progress

Don’t let a change in work environment throw off the momentum you’ve been building up until now. Make going virtual your competitive advantage and approach these obstacles head-on, so that you can adjust to your new way of working, fast.

View Our Free eBook

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