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Our people are passionate about their work, and they have a lot to say about it! Check out our insights and resources for our thoughts on technology, data, Agile, and program management.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) | AI, AI Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Security

Data Scientists: The Federal Government’s Key to AI Success

Excella’s own Aaron Pujanandez recently engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with John Gilroy on the...

Security | Continuous Integration, Cybersecurity, DevOps, DevSecOps, Security, Software Development

3 Tips to Evolve your DevOps Practice to a DevSecOps Culture

About 15 years ago, a movement to foster greater collaboration between developers and operations began....

Security | Agile, Cybersecurity, Security, Software Development

3 Ways to Keep Security at the Center of Agile Development

Agile software development has many benefits, including the opportunity for developers to iterate and be...

Security | Cybersecurity, Security

Introducing the “Cybersecurity in Agile Software Development” blog series!

With security and cybersecurity top of mind for many agencies and organizations, the biggest question...

Agile Transformation | Agile, Security, Software Development

3 Tips to Prioritize Security in Your Agile Software Development

As companies mature, adaptability and speed tend to give way to hierarchy and a slower...

Security | Agile, Cybersecurity, DevOps, Security, Software Development

Integrating Cybersecurity into Agile Development and DevOps

The software development landscape is constantly evolving, driven by the need for efficient, secure, and...

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