Trent Hone
9 Methods to Get More from Your Agile Adoption
Getting started with Agile is straightforward; succeeding with it is challenging. You can’t just introduce...
9 Signs You’re Struggling with Agile Adoption
Your team adopted Agile to get better—to accelerate delivery and improve performance—but now that you’ve...
The Manifesto for Scaling Agility
At Excella, we believe that continuous learning and knowledge-sharing fuels innovative thinking. The company created...
Agile Ancestry: A Mindset for Solution Development and Beyond
Some may believe that the Agile mindset is new and was recently “discovered.” In reality,...
Kanban in Action: The Workshop
As the two Kanban Trainers at Excella, Mark Grove and I think a lot about...
Scrum vs. Kanban: Management’s Explicit Invite
Kanban and Scrum ask different things of management; what do they explicitly say about management’s...
Lean Agile Scotland – Designing the Future
Once again, Lean Agile Scotland was an excellent conference full of thought-provoking ideas and stimulating...
A Beneficial View of Hierarchy
In many parts of the Agile community, hierarchy is viewed as a necessary evil. Hierarchical...
One of the things I enjoy most about conferences is the opportunity to meet new...
What are Heuristics and How Can They Accelerate Decision-Making?
In the earlier posts in this series, I introduced Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), and contrasted...
Effective Use of Constraints: Scrum vs. Kanban
In the first post in this series, I introduced the concept of Complex Adaptive Systems...
Improving DevOps Flow with Kanban
We’re a relatively small team of engineers at Excella focused on developing, improving, and maintaining...