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Tag: UI/UX

Insights > UI/UX

Human-Centered Design, UI/UX, User Experience, User Research

Solving for the Right Problem Using User Research: Examining the Success of Airbnb

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of business and technology, successful companies share a common...

Human-Centered Design, UI/UX, User Experience

Successful Product Design: 5 Tips to Prioritize Users and Create Extraordinary Experiences

Human-Centered Design (HCD) lies at the heart of every great product and customer experience. Learn...

UI/UX, User Experience, User Persona

5 Steps to Create User Personas

We find ourselves over a year after most businesses adopted an all-remote workforce for the first time ever. Now, some...

Agile, Agile at Scale, Project Management, Scaling, UI/UX, User Experience

6 Signs Your Agile Scaling Isn’t Working

In our last post on Agile scaling, we described some signs that indicate you should...

Design, IT Modernization, UI/UX, User Experience

3 Little Changes That Will Make Your Customers Fall in Love With Your Digital Experience

It only takes one poor digital experience to ruin a good reputation. Conversely, one great...

Design, UI/UX, User Experience

Love Hurts, But Your User Experience Shouldn’t: 5 Fails to Avoid

Love can be hard. We’ve all had that first date that was a complete disaster,...

Design, IT Modernization, UI/UX, User Experience

Love at First Sight: Why Embracing Human-Centered Design Can Help You Win Over Your Customers

How someone makes you feel is often what sets the tone for your relationship. There’s...

Design, Software Development, UI/UX

How to Run an Effective Design Review

Design reviews are an important part of our design process at Excella. Whether they’re called...

careers, UI/UX, User Experience

Q&A with UX Legend Jared Spool

Last week on a rainy Thursday night, Jared Spool stood before a packed audience at...

Software Development, UI/UX, User Experience

Evaluating User Experience with Heuristics

“Designers shooting for usable is like a chef shooting for edible.” – Aaron Walter, VP...

Agile, Agile Requirements, Business Analysis, Change Management, Data Analysis, Software Development, UI/UX

USAJOBS: How We Are Doing It

This September marked the 20-year anniversary of, the Federal Government’s online career portal and...

Agile, Business Analysis, Scrum, Software Development, UI/UX, User Experience

UX for an Agile World (Part IV)

Here’s the big pay-off.  We learned in Parts 1, 2, and 3, why UX and...