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Tag: Scrum

Insights > Scrum

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

How do Technical Practices Fit in Kanban?

Your team is getting ready to start with Kanban or perhaps they already have been...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Scrum

So You Want to Drop Your Retro

Many Agile approaches, such as Scrum, have a focused event (the retrospective) to reflect on...

Agile, Agile Business Analysis, Business Analysis, Scrum, User Experience

UX Tools for the Business Analyst: Part 2

In Part 1 of UX Tools for the Business Analyst, we discussed the importance of...

Agile, Agile Business Analysis, Business Analysis, Scrum, User Experience

UX Tools for the Business Analyst: Part 1

Whether you’re building a new system from the ground up or modernizing a legacy system,...

Agile, Kanban, Lean, Scrum

Baby Scrum (Sounds Better than “Lean-Baby-ban”)

Sometimes taking your work home is something we try to avoid. But sometimes it just...

Agile, Federal, Mobile, Scrum, Software Development, User Experience

How We Did It (with Agile): Building the USCIS Civics Test Study Tools App

This spring, with Excella’s help, the Department of Homeland Security’s US Citizenship and Immigration Services...

Agile, Scrum, Software Development

Sprint Zero or Not to Sprint Zero

A colleague of mine recently asked me and a few other Excella developers our opinions...

Agile, Dear Agile, Scrum

Dear Agile: Two-Week Sprints – Just Infinite Deadlines?

DEAR AGILE – I’m not a fan of the idea of two-week sprints. An infinite...

Agile, Dear Agile, Scrum

Dear Agile: Can We Have Multiple Product Owners?

This post is the latest in Excella’s Dear Agile series of blog posts. Have a...

Agile, Dear Agile, Scrum

Dear Agile: The Role of a Tech Lead

This post is the latest in Excella’s Dear Agile blog series. Have a question for...

Agile at Scale, LeSS, Scrum

If LeSS is Already Large-Scale Scrum, What’s LeSS Huge?

One of the first things I discovered while attending Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) training  is that...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Scrum

Simulating Scrum by Building a LEGO City

At the January Games for Agility, Learning, and Engagement (GALE) Meetup, we ran a version...