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Agile Transformation Insights

Insights > Agile Transformation

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

Scrum vs. Kanban: Management’s Explicit Invite

Kanban and Scrum ask different things of management; what do they explicitly say about management’s...

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

How Do Scrum & Kanban Create Psychological Safety?

When you first hear the term “psychological safety” it may conjure up strange images in...

Agile, Software Development

What Can a Tech Lead Add to an Agile Project?

I was inspired to write a follow up to the recent Dear Agile question on the...

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

Scrum vs. Kanban: How Do They Treat Work in Progress?

Team Scrum or Team Kanban? No matter whose team you’re on, we want to support...

Agile, Kanban, Scrum

How do Technical Practices Fit in Kanban?

Your team is getting ready to start with Kanban or perhaps they already have been...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Scrum

So You Want to Drop Your Retro

Many Agile approaches, such as Scrum, have a focused event (the retrospective) to reflect on...

Agile, Agile at Scale, Best Practices

Agile Transformation – Top Down vs. Bottom Up

When beginning an Agile transformation, where should one start? Is it as simple as getting...

Agile, Kanban

My Experience with Kanban Outside IT

Kanban for Human Resources: What I Learned During My First KMP I Class I recently...

Agile, Lean

Lean Agile Scotland – Designing the Future

Once again, Lean Agile Scotland was an excellent conference full of thought-provoking ideas and stimulating...

Agile, Kanban, Lean, Scrum

Baby Scrum (Sounds Better than “Lean-Baby-ban”)

Sometimes taking your work home is something we try to avoid. But sometimes it just...

Agile, Best Practices

Feedback Early & Often! 3 Questions to Ask to Take Full Advantage of Feedback Loop Opportunities

Agile frameworks are designed to accept and handle change – but you still need feedback...

Agile, Business Analysis

Introducing the Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide version 2

This summer, the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) partnered with the Agile Alliance to...