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Agile Transformation Insights

Insights > Agile Transformation

Agile, Best Practices, Culture

A Beneficial View of Hierarchy

In many parts of the Agile community, hierarchy is viewed as a necessary evil. Hierarchical...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Scrum

Simulating Scrum by Building a LEGO City

At the January Games for Agility, Learning, and Engagement (GALE) Meetup, we ran a version...

Agile, Tools

Physical vs. Digital Story Maps

As I wrote previously in this blog, story maps help teams identify the Minimum Viable...


Agile Transformation in 2 (Simple) Steps

So, you want your organization to adopt Agile practices? All right, let’s do this! It...

Agile, Best Practices, Tools

5 Benefits of Story Maps

With Agile delivery, we trade big upfront design for a “just enough” approach. But how...

Agile Coaching, Culture

Options vs. Constraints

One of the things I enjoy most about conferences is the opportunity to meet new...

Agile, Business Analysis, Scrum, Software Development, UI/UX, User Experience

UX for an Agile World (Part IV)

Here’s the big pay-off.  We learned in Parts 1, 2, and 3, why UX and...

Agile Value Tracking, Data visualization, Scrum

Burndown Chart vs. Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)

Virtually everyone who has ever been part of a team using Scrum or practicing Agile...

Agile, Scrum

Empirical Process Control (Part II)

In my prior post, I provided a backdrop to the importance of empirical process control...

Agile, Business Analysis, Scrum, Software Development, UI/UX, User Experience

UX for an Agile World (Part III)

More and more, the development world is embracing Agile practices.  As we learned in Part...

Agile, CSPO, Scrum

8 True Commitments Agile Teams Owe Management and Stakeholders

Management commits real money to support a development team and expects real commitments from the...

Agile, Business Analysis, Scrum, Software Development, UI/UX, User Experience

UX for an Agile World (Part II)

More and more, the development world is embracing Agile practices. Yet, as we learned in...