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Agile Transformation Insights

Insights > Agile Transformation

Agile, Agile Requirements, Business Analysis

Why Are Requirements Important to Agile?

The Agile Manifesto has 4 key value statements. Individuals and Interaction over Process and Tools...

Agile, Project Management

Measuring Progress: EVM or Velocity?

There are many advocates in the world that state Earned Value Management (EVM) is the...

Agile, Agile Coaching, Meet the Experts, Software Development

Meet the Experts: Tony Solomita

In the first installment of “Meet the Experts,” Excella’s Agile Practice Lead Tony Solomita talks...

Agile, Kanban, Product Management

What is Kanban?

This post is co-authored by Excella Agile experts Paul Boos and Ken Furlong.  Ken will...

Agile, DevOps, Kanban, Tools

Improving DevOps Flow with Kanban

We’re a relatively small team of engineers at Excella focused on developing, improving, and maintaining...

Agile, Lean Discovery

Using Lean Discovery to Manage the Ultimate Risk: Building the Wrong Thing

In previous posts, I described how Lean Discovery incorporates concepts from Lean Startup and Lean...

Change Management, Culture

It’s Just Change… Why is Everyone Resisting?

Have you ever tried to implement a change initiative within your organization only to be...

Agile, Best Practices, Business Analysis

Defects in the Agile World – Four Key Questions (Part 2)

HOW Defects Are Managed in the Agile World The previous post addresses the defect types, their...

Agile, Best Practices, Business Analysis

Defects in the Agile World – Four Key Questions (Part 1)

Have you been on agile teams that struggle in dealing with defects (or bugs), and...

Change Management

What Do Change Management Consultants Do?

So you’re a Change Management Consultant. Now…what does that even mean? This is a question...

Agile Value Tracking, Project Management

Changing Your Viewpoint of the Project Management ‘Iron’ Triangle (Part 1)

This will be the first of two posts to help you understand the alignment between...

Change Management

Agile and Change Management: Not Apples and Oranges

Agile is a collaborative, user-focused approach to software delivery. Change management (CM) drives the successful...