Agile Transformation Insights
Dear Agile: Not Your Average Stand-Up
This post is in Excella’s Dear Agile series of blog posts. DEAR AGILE: Recently, a...
Becoming a Catalyst for Transformation
Agile Transformation efforts are characterized by change: new practices, new processes, new technologies, and often...
Should the Product Owner Come From the Client or Vendor?
We often see a scenario where we have vendors/contractors working with a client to deliver...
Sprint Zero or Not to Sprint Zero
A colleague of mine recently asked me and a few other Excella developers our opinions...
Teams new to Kanban often spend far too much time debating what their initial work-in-progress (WIP)...
In my previous blog, I explained why learning about system models (also known as causal...
Dear Agile: Two-Week Sprints – Just Infinite Deadlines?
DEAR AGILE – I’m not a fan of the idea of two-week sprints. An infinite...
Dear Agile: Can We Have Multiple Product Owners?
This post is the latest in Excella’s Dear Agile series of blog posts. Have a...
Product Owners: Help Your Senior Leaders Give You Useful Feedback
Has this happened to you? You are giving a demo to a stakeholder who is...
Dear Agile: The Role of a Tech Lead
This post is the latest in Excella’s Dear Agile blog series. Have a question for...
If LeSS is Already Large-Scale Scrum, What’s LeSS Huge?
One of the first things I discovered while attending Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) training is that...
The Vaguely Right Agile Release Forecast
“It is better to be vaguely right than exactly wrong.”– Carveth Read. What does this...